Our Brands Of Industrial Diesel Engines and Alternators
Engine Service and Repairs
Technical Engine Support
You want your engine to remain efficient and operational for as long as possible –so do we! At Power O2 we offer high quality engine support with competitive pricing. Your engine not sounding the same , maybe it wont start , has no power or needs a service. The technical support you need is just a phone call away. We have the expertise to troubleshoot, repair and maintain your engine because we understand running an efficient operation gives your business a competitive advantage.
Power O2’s experienced technicians are always ready to assist to ensure that your equipment is running in no time saving you time and money.
Maintenance Agreements
Commissioning Of Engines
At Power O2 we consistently train our technical staff on the various range of all engines we stock, ensuring all technicians are kept abreast of the new developments. We are also qualified to commission our engine brands in all our territories in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Engine commissioning can also be conducted by our network of service partners. We also offer maintenance agreements for all engines sold and commissioned by Power O2.
We strive to always deliver the greatest level of service.